
Return grids with and without filter

The diffuser grids are designed for wall mounting in areas with special requirements (ORs, cleanrooms).

Return grid

The diffuser grids are designed for wall mounting in areas with special requirements (ORs, cleanrooms) and are made of polished stainless sheet steel. The grid surface consists of a frame with tightly woven stainless mesh soldered on. The mounting frame accommodates either a filter (RR-1/filter) or a stainless-steel insert F (RR- 1/F). To adjust the insert, remove the grid surface. The front is secured to the mounting frame with stainless steel screws. The grid can be recessed into the wall surface.

Replace and clean filter insert
Because dirt accumulates on the grid, it must be removed and cleaned occasionally. To clean it, unscrew the grid and remove it from the mounting frame. For the RR-1/ filter variant, you remove the filter insert from the frame and replace it with a new insert.

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