Admiraal de Ruyter Hospital- OR’s
Commissioned by Siemens Healthineers and for the Admiraal de Ruyter Hospital in Goes, we completed six operating rooms.
Commissioned by Siemens Healthineers and for the Admiraal de Ruyter Hospital in Goes, we completed six operating rooms.
The project was finished in a short time, in close cooperation with ADRZ, Siemens and installation company Engie, and meets all strict requirements that apply relating to safety and hygiene.
The transition from closing the old operating rooms to opening the new wing went according to a detailed plan. A so-called ‘reduction week’ was planned, during which only urgent surgery was performed, without any scheduled operations. During that time, the medical, technical and support staff were trained in one of the new operating rooms. The move from the old to the new wing followed on the same weekend. Everything went smoothly because of thorough preparation and mutual trust.
6 months
6 operating rooms
approx. 2,600 m2
Classified medical buildings and spaces by Medexs