Air supply systems for operating rooms and prep rooms
To achieve a safe and comfortable working environment for the surgical team, the patient and the required medical instruments, air supply systems are recommended and/or required by guidelines relating to operating rooms.
Downflow & crossflow
Several air supply systems are available. The choice of the type of air supply system depends on the type of procedure and/or the requirements of the room by the medical specialists/scientific societies.
Downflow plenum
UDAF air supply system
A UDAF air supply system (i.e., a plenum) is an air supply system that is integrated into the ceiling of the operating room. The system is used in operating rooms and prep rooms that require a sterile work area (ultra clean area).
Clean HEPA filtered air is blown from the plenum directly above the ultra clean area. As a floor marking, the projection of the plenum is shown as an ultra clean area (Protected Area, according to VCCN RL7). This is the sterile work area in which the instruments, the OR table and the surgical team should be set up.
Medexs designs, manufactures and installs, depending on the application standard or custom-made air supply systems. Our team considers functionality, size of the blow-out field and the expected Protected Area, which is determined in consultation with the client and users.
Crossflow plenum
Horizontal (cross)flow plenum
A Horizontal plenum (or crossflow for short) is a horizontal air intake system (recessed or surface mounted wall system) for use in a prep room. Clean HEPA filtered air is blown out of the system. The instrument sets should be unpacked in the airflow of the crossflow system.
The ultra clean area (Protected Area, according to VCCN RL7) is shown with a marking on the floor in a prep room for the crossflow unit. Instrument tables on which sterile instruments are placed should be positioned within this floor marking.
Medexs designs, manufactures and installs, depending on the application standard or custom-made air supply systems. Medexs considers functionality, size of the blow-out field and the expected Protected Area, which is determined in consultation with the client and users.