Specialist in design and construction of medical spaces and buildings
Medexs is a specialist in the design and construction of classified spaces and buildings. The way we design, build and implement is flexible, transparent and efficient. Medexs’ construction method allows for upscaling and downscaling the capacity of a medical building as needed. We also refurbish existing buildings. We ensure integration, applicable, flexible solutions and concrete results within the set time frame. Medexs supervises the project throughout the design phase, realisation and qualification.
Medexs offers a comprehensive solution in terms of finishing and furnishing
Any project involves dealing with many parties and suppliers. We can take the complete process off your hands. Our team has many years of experience and provides advice about the air treatment system, the logistic process, construction aspects, furniture and medical equipment.
We serve as the single point of contact for technicians, structural engineers, suppliers and installers and ensure an integrated approach. Knowledge, quality and innovation are key factors. Because we design, develop, and manufacture our products in-house, we always offer a high degree of flexibility and quality.
We zijn een de gesprekspartner voor technici, bouwkundigen, leveranciers en installateurs en zorgen voor een integrale aanpak. Kennis, kwaliteit en innovatie staan daarbij centraal. Omdat wij onze producten in eigen beheer ontwerpen, ontwikkelen en fabriceren, bieden we altijd een hoge mate van flexibiliteit en kwaliteit.