UniQure Laboratory in Amsterdam
For UniQure, we built a laboratory with office spaces over 2 floors in Amsterdam in our Movix system.
For UniQure, we built a laboratory with office spaces over 2 floors in Amsterdam in our Movix system.
The building, which of course complies with all regulations governing safety within laboratories, will remain in place for at least three years.
The semi-permanent building covers a total of 865 m2 and consists of 14 laboratory rooms, 10 offices, 2 meeting rooms, storage rooms, toilets, a shower, pantries, server room, work cabinets, technical rooms and an outdoor storage area for the
different gas cylinders.
In addition to heating and air conditioning and the complete electrical and data installation for the 14 laboratory rooms, 6 are equipped with 15-fold ventilation. The other laboratory rooms have 5-fold ventilation.
Within 12 weeks, the full-scale building was completed and could be put into use. The protruding, orange-coloured window frames are a striking exterior feature.
12 weeks
approx. 865 m2
UniQure N.V.
Classified medical buildings and spaces by Medexs.